Sunday, July 3, 2016

Day 7: My first headwind! Yikes!

Today I rode from Gold Beach Oregon to Crescent City California for a total of 57.4 miles.  That's right!  I made it to California!  I met this really nice German couple who took this picture for me. They were heading North from Los Angeles and planning on ending their trip in Vancouver B.C. What was really amazing to me was they were towing two small kids in a kid cart trailer thing behind one of their bikes!  I can't imagine pulling that much weight up some of those hills!  I have a hard enough time with the weight I carry and the weight of my own body let alone two more small bodies. Good for them!
Most of my ride was along the coast today, but there were trees blocking the view a lot of the way, so I didn't get very many pictures.  There were a lot of places to pull off and walk through the trees to get a good view but if I would have done that I wouldn't have gotten to Crescent City today.  Today was the first day I felt like I had somewhat of a deadline or had to be somewhere.  I have run into three riders over the last three days that told me about the same church in Crescent City that hosts touring cyclists.  So last night, laying in my tent, I contacted the woman in charge and asked if I could stay at the church tonight.  She told me she'd sign me up as they only take five riders per night. So I had a place to stay for free tonight.  I just had to get here.  I didn't expect the crazy headwind! For the last 25 miles of my ride today I was riding into a very strong wind.  It was blowing at least 20 mph.  That's pretty hard when you're peddling into it.  There were a couple gradual downhill sections where I actually had to pedal downhill where I would usually coast and rest. It gets very frustrating.
 Another beautiful view on the Oregon coast!

Below is a map of my ride for today.  As you can see from the elevation graph I climbed a pretty challenging hill first thing in the morning.  After that there were some smaller hills that weren't too bad, but overall I had more elevation today than any other day so far.  I can sure feel it right now as I sit here and type this!  It was beautiful and fun, but I am pretty tired again tonight.  I have talked to a few cyclists along the way that told me they ride long miles for three days then take a day off.  I hadn't really thought of it until then but I haven't had a day off in seven days.  I need a day off!  I think I will start riding right around 42 miles per day (Yes third graders 42 is the answer to everything!  HAHA! but don't try that with your 4th grade teachers they won't know what you're talking about).  I think I'll also start taking a day off every four or five days or something. I haven't decided yet.

Tomorrow is the big bike name reveal day!! Third graders I hope you have voted or get your vote in before I write my blog for tomorrow!  Before I write my blog tomorrow I will shut down the voting and reveal my bike's new name!!!  

Take care all of you!  Have a fun and safe 4th of July!! 

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