Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 9: Redwoods!

It was sure nice to get back on Hank the Tank today!  What a beautiful day to ride too!  Today we rode from Crescent City California to the Elk Prairie Campground near Orick California for a total of 36 miles (that’s right third grader my favorite number).  We had some crazy hills again today, but Hank is a hard worker and together we conquered the second highest climb on the entire 1,400 mile route.  It was over 1,200 feet!  We totaled 3,140 feet overall today.  I’m really glad we only went 36 miles because those hills had me beat.

This morning on my way out of Crescent City I stopped in front of the motel that was built from one single redwood tree.  Some of my third graders may remember me talking about that when we were doing our science unit on seeds.  Below is a picture of the motel:

Shortly after that Hank and I headed up the first giant hill of the day.  About halfway up there was a sign welcoming travelers into the Redwood National Forest.  Of course Hank just had to have his picture taken in front of the sign to prove how hard he has worked so far to get us both here.  I am very proud of him!

I don’t have any pictures of the hill climb because it was pretty brutal to be honest and I needed to concentrate.  (Mom don’t read this next sentence.  lol)  Most of the way up this climb there were no shoulders on the side of the road for Hank and I to ride on.  Not too far up I had a fairly close call with a van.  I saw him in my rearview mirror (I wear a little rearview mirror that attaches to my glasses) but he wasn’t moving over.  He got close enough that I rode off the road into the dirt on the side because I was afraid he was too close.  (MOM!  I told you not to read that sentence!)  Now I’m going to get a phone call.  HAHA!  Anyway, after that there were some spots with really wide shoulders, but for the most part there were none and I was in the lane with the cars.  Most of the drivers are very nice and patient, but there are always a few that get upset that I’m in the way.  I wish they would realize how hard Hank and I are working to get up the hills and just give us the room we need while they sit in their comfy air-conditioned vehicle.  Oh well, ya can’t have everything.  Once we got to the top it was a very steep and very chilly ride down the other side.  Overall it took us about 2 hours just to get up one hill.  Coming down the other side there was a tourist attraction called The Trees of Mystery.  Hank and I pulled off to take a few pictures and have a snack break.  Hank didn’t eat a snack.  I’ve been worried about him not eating enough.  He must eat while I’m sleeping.  At The Trees of Mystery tourists are greeted by Paul Bunion and his pal Babe the Blue Ox.  Below is a picture of them both (and Hank).

After our rest and a snack we headed down the road deeper into the Redwoods.  At first there would be one or two giant redwood trees, and then more and more as we went.  Eventually there were almost all redwood trees and the forest just looked magical and amazingly huge!  It made me feel so tiny.  For the next few days I will be going through the redwoods and have many more pictures, but for now I thought this one of Hank hiding INSIDE a redwood is pretty cool!

Tonight we are staying in a campground where we have to lock up our food in what is called a “bear locker” to keep bears and other animals from stealing our food.  It’s not so much the bears as it is the blue jays and the squirrels that steal food, but bears have been known to come around.  Another really cool thing about this campground is that there is a herd of Roosevelt Elk that come down into the fields and roam the campgrounds in the evening.  I’m hoping they are out this evening so I can get some pictures to share.  Below is a bear locker picture.  It’s basically is a big steel container anchored into the ground with a door on it that only humans can open. 

I've met so many nice people along this journey!  Tonight a few of us have a camping spot together.

Tomorrow we will be headed farther south and deeper into the redwoods.  I will have more to share tomorrow.  We are tired tonight from the crazy hills!  Time to get some rest!

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