Thursday, July 21, 2016

Day 24: Big Sur to Plaskett Creek Campground. 34 miles

It was another beautiful day riding the same type of terrain as yesterday.  One difference with today was the color of the water.  In the southern Big Sur coastal area there is a lot of lime in the sand and water so it makes the water very greenish blue.  It is very pretty!

Today was not a good day for Carlos!  Hank and I took a little longer getting ready to go this morning, so Carlos, Eric, and Molly left about 45 minutes before us.  We were all heading to the same place for the night anyway, so we knew we’d meet up later.  Besides, Carlos is super fast with both Eric and Molly pedaling him at the same time.  Hank and I have a hard time keeping up.  Hank and I were on the road for a while and had already climbed our biggest hill of the day, so we were just cruising along taking our time when we came around a corner and saw Carlos and Molly in a little pull off view spot.  At first I didn’t know what the problem was.  When I pulled up I saw that Carlos was propped up on his kickstand and his back wheel was off.  Eric was nowhere to be seen.  Molly filled me in on what had happened.  They had pulled over for a snack break and when they went to get back on the road Carlos had something wrong with the gears in his back wheel.  I guess when they tried pedaling the gears would just spin and Carlos wouldn’t go anywhere!  He wasn’t just being stubborn, he was broken!  Eric wasn’t there because he caught a ride with someone back to Monterey where the nearest bike shop and largest town was.  I was just glad everyone was ok and not hurt, well except Carlos, he was looking fairly injured.

I stayed with Molly for a little bit, but I needed to get going so I could make it to my next camp before it got too late.  I am sure by now they are in Monterey getting Carlos fixed or deciding whether or not to continue the trip.  Carlos might be pretty expensive to fix.

So here I am in the campground we all planned to meet at the end of the day.  But Hank and I are here alone.  This is the first time in a long time that we are camping alone.  We have had such good company along the way, but I think from now on we might be alone unless we meet some new riders between here and the border.  Carlos, Eric, and Molly were the last riders from way back in Oregon that were still on the road with us.  We will miss them, but we will see them again since they live so close to home.  It will be fun to see them when the trip is over and sit and talk about the good times we had.
 Hank and camp without Carlos.
Last sunset before my battery died on my phone.

Thank you for reading!

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